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Primary Schools Workshops 
Childrens Workshops


'Every child, whatever his or her circumstances, should have the chance to experience the artistic excellence of our cultural heritage, the very best of dance, theatre , opera and music, our museums and galleries, art and literature.'

His Majesty, King Charles III


'Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.'

Pablo Piccasso.


These workshops are suitable for heritage sites, museums, and bithday parties!

















Key stage 1 & 2 (4-11)


In this workshop we explore local history and climate change issues. We look at what grows in Kent and why this area is called the 'Garden of England'. Students will then make their own sculptures based on harvest breads that were traditional in Kent. A very good introduction to sculpture.

Study areas covered :- Art (2D and 3D), Local History, Social History, Nature Studies, Climate Change.

Session I hour approx.


4 sessions per day.


Guide number in each class approx 30





















Key Stage 1  (4 -7 years)


In this workshop we use storytelling to help very young artists to think about the world of the mini-beasts. This storytelling session ends with each student 'finding' their own secret mini-beast. Led by the artist, each student is shown how to make their mini-beast in clay. A very good introduction to sculpture.

Study areas covered:- Art (3D) , Nature Studies (Mini-Beasts), literacy .

Session  45 mins-1 hour approx.

Up to 4 sessions per day 

Guide number in each class approx 30







Brenda makes projects around the theme and issues of the First World War to each schools requirement. Please email Brenda with your requirements.

Here is one primary school project.







































Key Stage 2 (8-11)


In this workshop we look at how people at home converted their gardens to allotments as the whole nation grew its own food and were told to' Dig for Victory'.

Areas of study covered :- History (local and National), Natural Sciences (growing cycles), Art and Design.

Session Approx 1 hour.

Up to 4 sessions per day.

Guide number approx. 30



















Key Stage 2-3 (7-13)


In this workshop we look at the life of a working potter in Roman Britain. We look at how his work and need for materials would have affected his life. We also explore and discuss something that most of us touch every day and many will never think about - clay. 

Areas of Study Covered.:- History (National and Social), Art and Design(Properties of Materials, Design and 3D work).

Sessions Approx 1hour.

Up to 4 sessions per day.

Guide number approx 30.


























Key Stage 2 (8-11)


With this fun, high-energy workshop Brenda brings the Tudor Court to life. Henry's personal, religious and political life created a shock-wave that affected everybody in the country - and that still leaves its mark today. How did one piece of art change history? In this drama/sculpting workshop students enact scenes from the Tudor period before sculpting some very famous people. Fun guaranteed!

Study areas covered :- Art (Sculpting), History (The six wives of Henry the Eighth and The Reformation), Drama. Based on the portrait of Anne Of Cleves

Session 1 hour approx.

Up to 4 sessions per day.

Guide number in each class approx.30



















Key stage 2 &3 (8-13)


In this workshop students explore the reasons heraldry was used, modern 'heraldry' and personal identity. Students make an heraldic clay seal. This always gets people thinking!

Study areas covered :- Art (2D and3D), National and Social History, Personal Identity, Branding.

Session 1 hour approx.

4 sessions per day.

Guide numbers in each class approx.30.


















Key Stage 2-3


In this workshop we explore the world of wallpaper- its patterns, maths, colours and costs. Students place themselves in the role of an interior designer for a rich client and design their own piece of wallpaper. Then they make print blocks and make the wallpaper become reality .

Study area covered:-  Art and Design (2D), Social History, Maths.

Session 1 hour approx

4 sessions per day

Guide number in each class 30.

Can be run as a special study day to cover printing fabric and matching wallpaper.























Key Stage 2/3/4/Adult


In this workshop we look at one of the biggest influences on western artists in the 20th century - African Art.  Art from Africa had a deep effect on artists such as Piccasso and Modigliani, changing the way they worked.

In this workshop we look at the way African masks use symbolism, patterns and form to create powerful images.

Max 20 per class

Session approx 1 hour 

4 sessions per day 

Can be run as a special study day looking at this subject in more depth.




















Key stage 2 &3 (8-13)


An intense arts day for those students showing particular artistic promise. Can be used as part of the schools Gifted and Talented Artist Programme.

Useful for those hoping to apply for Arts Scholarships.

Suggested areas of study: Interior Design or Portraits.

A lot of 'deep art' done in a short time!

Maximum number of students 20.

Half days or whole days.





Brenda Burgess is both fully CRB checked and insured.



KENT AREA: Others by arrangement.

Schools artist fee.

£300- per day. 

£185- per 1/2 day.




















All workshops and their content remain the visual and intellectual property of the artist. c2006. By booking Brenda Burgess you recognise all workshops remain her intellectual property at all times.

child using clay
Mini-Beast, Stag beatle
Ceramic poppy wreath made by children.
World War Two Dig for Victory poster.

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Brenda Burgess Arts .  Maidstone, Kent, England. 


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